HOW-TO GET THE LOGS FROM HCP GATEWAY AND CLIENTS Get logs from HCP for these operating systems: * Windows (Client) C:\ProgramData\hcpclientcore\logs * Mac (Client) /Applications/
HOW-TO TROUBLESHOOT PRINTIX For basic troubleshooting tips use this document: *
HOW-TO CHANGE RIGHTS * Login to the SQL Server * Go to Users and NT authority\System * Add the DB creator and sysadmin roles * Save ------------------------- START A SUPPORT TICKET [HTTP://...
HOW-TO Enable Card-reader on Canon Imagerunner Advanced series To be able to log in by card on Canon Imagerunner Advanced devices you have to enable the usb port for the card-reader. This setting can...
HOW-TO RECLAIM CARDREADER FROM KOFAX To be able to reclaim a cardreader from Kofax open a new support ticket at with the following information: * Card Readers Serial num...
HOW-TO FORCE TLS 1.2 IN EVERYONEPRINT * Stop EveryonePrint Web Service * Make a backup copy of the file: ...\EveryonePrint\ntsrv\eopweb.conf * Open the file with Notepad or similar editor * L...
How-to Follow the attached guides to export/import via SQL. Sample video: * [] --... ...
För att undvika Oracles Java's licenskostnader så kan man installerar Amazon Correto. Dock så måste man manuellt konfigurera JAVA_HOME. 1. Tanka ner Amazon Correto JRE för Windows x86 från https://d...
RUN CIRRATO MMC FROM ANOTHER COMPUTER To setup Cirrato MMC to run from another computer, outside the server: * In the Cirrato Server: Copy CirratoAdmin.dll file from C:\Program Files (x86)\Cirrat...